Friday, October 14, 2011

Toileting Jackie

This past week, Jackie is increasing her toileting frequency while remaining dry. Twice this week, Jackie (with a diaper on) has stayed dry, came to me and said she had to "Pee Pee" and then went into the potty and voided immediately on the potty. This is the most she has initiated and actually voided. She often lets me know she just went, especially in waterproof underwear, but this is the first time she seems to be understanding to stay dry and then request. She'll even say "I'm dry" and look for a high five from me. So, she's getting it!

The first time this week that she initiated was after a long trip to my brother's wedding in NY, where we didn't take her to the bathroom the entire busy trip. When we got home, I was afraid she may have to start over or have unlearned something, because she went three whole days just voiding in diapers and not requesting. However, the minute we got home she pointed to her diaper and said potty and she pooped on the potty! A few days later she was dry and said Pee Pee and urinated on the potty.

These aren't the only times she has voided in the toilet. But I mention these because she specifically initiated prior to voiding, which is very exciting! We also changed her reward to fruit snacks, which she has never had before this, so this may be helpful in rewarding her for voiding!

For such a little person, she is learning so quickly!

On a side note, I also have to mention that she is now speaking in 2-3 word sentences, which amazes me. e.g.: Hi daddy, Lets go, I did it etc! This is remarkable to me! She is learning so quickly in every aspect of her teenie tiny beautiful baby life!

Until Next Time,