Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Introduction and Welcome!

Welcome to my parenting blog!

I am a behavior analyst, working in the field of applied behavior analysis since 2006. My husband and I have been married for five years and recently had our first child. She is a beautiful and energetic 9 month old girl!

I am writing this blog to share my stories and strategies about parenthood. As a behavior analyst, I feel I have a unique perspective on parenting as my career is based upon reinforcing and shaping behavior to create more independent members of society. From stranger anxiety to toileting to feedings to sleeping through the night, I have used my knowledge and applied behavior analysis techniques to successfully shape my daughter's habits to improve both her life and ours.

Please stay tuned for stories and strategies. I want to share my parenting stories over the next years so others might benefit from things that have worked (and haven't worked) with us while raising her.


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