Thursday, April 26, 2012

Accident Free

It has been almost a month since Jackie's second birthday. More specifically, it has been almost a month since Jackie has been allowed to wear underwear at daycare. I am happy to report that Jackie is officially day trained with zero accidents (bowel and urination). During the week or so in underwear, her personal cubby at daycare was decorated with a plastic bag during parent pick up, to indicate she had some sort of toileting accident. Now, it has been over 2 weeks of accident-free days. Not only that, she consistently pees and poops in the potty at home and in school, and is requesting both when needed. She used to have bowel accidents even though she was urination trained at home, but it has only been a month of consistently wearing underwear in all environments and she is accident free from both.

Getting day care on board with the reward system from home may have been key. The day I showed her a lollipop at daycare and told her she'd get it if she pooped for her teacher was the first day she pooped in the potty at daycare instead of having an accident. They did say that they couldn't give lollipops anymore because of the choking hazard, so Jackie now gets a sticker for pooping in the potty at daycare and a lollipop in the car on the way home if she has any stickers. She bought into this reward change immediately and gets really excited to show off her stickers when I pick her up.

Last week I bought Jackie a step stool for each bathroom. She is so excited to use the bathroom independently that she requests it much more often or she goes in by herself without getting me first! She can walk in, pull her pants down and sit on the potty without me. I will hear "Mommy, Look!" or "Mommy, I peed in the toy-yit!" and I'll realize she used the bathroom without me. The only problem is, if she uses the potty without requesting me to help, she can't pull up her pants yet. So when she is finished and gets off the toilet, she just waddles and calls out for me. All I have to hear is "Mommy, you do it pants up Jackie"...or some string of relevant out of order words like that.

As for night training: This is day four of her waking up dry!

Happy Toileting,

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