Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Save Money on Diapers Without Coupons

We started taking our daughter to the bathroom to get her used to the routine in Sept when she was 5 months old. We take her at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. On weekends or days off of work, we take her during natural transition times (after eating, before and after naps, etc). We originally started this routine to save diapers and to make it apart of her day now so she wouldn't protest later when introducing actually toilet training in the future as some kids typically do.

I have calculated the data that we have recorded on her toileting progress. She is only 10 months old and here are the numbers:

Each month, we save an average of 50 diapers per month by taking her to the potty at least twice a day. (We did not calculate savings on wipes, but we use 1 to every 3 (at least) when she has a BM in the potty rather than in her diaper because it's messier when she goes in her diaper and takes more wipes for cleanup. We only take her throughout the day on weekends and twice a day on weekdays. I wish we were stay at home parents so we could see how many we would save then!

64% of the time when we take her to the bathroom, she successfully voids something in the potty! It is obvious she understands the concept and knows that to do when we put her there.

On Average, she stays dry for 3 consecutive hours before urinating at all in her diaper (because she pees in the potty in between). Sometimes, she wakes up from naps dry because she urinated in the potty right before the nap and right after the nap.

18% of the time, she not only successfully uses the bathroom, but she holds her urination until she goes onto the potty. She stays dry and waits until we bring her before she urinates! We re-use the diaper because it was never wet. When we started, like all babies, she was at 0% of holding it. She would successfully pee in the potty, but never held it and stayed dry in between visits to the bathroom. But now she is successfully urinating AND holding it 18% of the time that she's home with us!!!! And she is only 10 months old! I can not wait to see how well she does as her bladder grows and she gets older!

Please note, we monitor how much fluid and food intake she gets, and make sure she is voiding often in order to monitor dehydration!

Do with these facts what you will, but we have found it very interesting how quickly she is picking up on this routine and how much progress she has made for such a little person.

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