Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shaping Behavior

I hide behind objects, I giggle hysterically for no apparent reason, I contort my face into shapes I never knew possible, I crawl around on the floor like a dog, I bang loudly on objects, I look in the mirror more often than I would like. In normal circumstances my actions would be labeled unusual, but you can just label me ‘mom.’ I will do just about anything to interact with my little daughter and she knows it! The best part about this blog is that not only can I talk about what I do to shape my daughter’s behavior, but I can talk about how she shapes mine! Behavior is a two way street and she knows exactly how to manipulate me to change my behavior. So, even when I’m exhausted or sick or when my back hurts, you won’t find me in bed if she gets her way. You will find me under the table, or in the dog’s kennel, or behind the couch. Reinforcement is the strengthening of behavior. Well, all she has to do is laugh and I’ll do it again and again. She has already figured out if mom does something funny and Jackie laughs, mommy will do it again. She has control over my behavior and I am perfectly okay with that.

I do not care for the taste of wagon wheels, freeze dried foods of any kind, or powdered baby formula. However, she gets me to happily eat them! She thinks it’s hilarious to hand me what she is eating and laugh when I take a bite. One gummy little smile and she gets me to do things no one else could get me to do. She’s a good little behavior analyst and she has found a powerful reinforcer- her smile!

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