Friday, June 10, 2011

Run free in the grass, little girl

Now anytime I see grass, I put her in the middle of it and have her walk back to me. We went for a walk at the park and Jackie was a little nervous at first, but she let go of my hand and was off to explore carefully. However, after about 30 minutes of walking in the park, she no longer wanted to follow us. She saw a dog, and started running in the grass in the opposite direction that we were luring to go. Independent as can be, she went a quarter of a football field running in the grass away from us. That is not the action of someone who is afraid of walking in the grass!!!!

A week ago, she never would have let go of my hand or gotten more than a few steps away from me without wandering back!

Freedom is wonderful, isn't Jackie! It's good to not have irrational fears of innocuous grass.

(Now, teaching her not to run to strange men with strange and very large dogs is a whole other issue entirely;))

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