Sunday, September 11, 2011

Toileting Update September 2011

Current Status of our toileting.

Successful Voids: As Jackie gets older, ironically, successful voids are decreasing for now. She is so excited to run and play that she has little interest in sitting still in the bathroom. She does still successfully void in the toilet, but it isn't an everyday occurrence like it used to be. It happens more on the weekend because she's in her waterproof underwear and I am more aware of toilet training (to protect the rug of any accidents) and she is more aware because she can feel it. But, she does void successfully (average last weekend was 66%) and she is almost always lets me know when she's peeing/pooping so I can take her/change her diaper. So that's something!

Waterproof Underwear: She is more successful in days that I have her in waterproof underwear (usually all day any weekend we don't have to go anywhere). She holds her urination longer probably because she feels uncomfortable peeing in the underwear. She usually goes 3 hours dry consistently (so I don't have to trip her every half hour any more!) She also lets me know immediately each time she is about to pee or is peeing in her underwear so I can bring her to the bathroom. Often times, she stops herself peeing when she feels it in her waterproof underwear and I can sit her on the potty and get some success in the toilet!!

Initiation: She has gotten to the point where she announces loudly and clearly that she is either peeing or pooping and she points to her diaper. however, she will continue to run and play. She hasn't quite figured out that if she says she has to go she should run to the bathroom. There are some times when Jackie does initiate and runs straight to the bathroom, but that is not frequent enough. However, it is very frequent that she gains a persons attention and points to her diaper saying "pee Pee' or " poo poo." I just have to get that to mean something for her.

Jackie is more likely to run straight to the bathroom when peeing if she's in waterproof underwear but she will point to herself and announce that she's going even when in diapers like today!!! This is a good sign to me that even in diapers she's becoming more aware!

So she's getting there and she's becoming more aware of toileting, and is successful voiding occasionally still. I don't feel as confident about her success as I did 6 months to a year ago when we first started this toileting experience but I know she's showing more signs of readiness now than she was. Before it was all me taking her, now she's initiating and walking there inconsistently but still! I am proud to have a 17 month old who over half of the time voids successfully in the toilet and who tells me she's peeing or pooping and points to her diaper while doing so!!! Overall toileting our infant has been successful so far!

She's a smart girl, and she'll get there when she gets there.

Happy toileting,
Colleen Williams, BCBA

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