Sunday, August 7, 2011

Waterproof and magical

Jackie and toileting has been an ongoing discussion in this blog since she was very very small. Yesterday and today we decided to try some waterproof underwear to replace her diapers, since she is already familiar using the bathroom and has been doing fairly well with staying dry in her diapers. She had one urination accident at 10am. She was in her waterproof underwear when she had the accident and felt herself go. She looked down and said "Uh Oh". I took her to the bathroom and emptied the urine that pooled inside the underwear like I do whenever she has dirty diapers. She waves bye bye and we flush it away so she knows where its supposed to go. Since that first accident, she stayed dry and clean all day (until 4pm when we left the house and I put a diaper back on her).

Since that first accident, she would run into the bathroom or say Momma and point to the bathroom door. I would take her into the bathroom, pull down her underwear, and she would pee in the potty! However, at 3:30pm, she ran into the bathroom and sat down on the potty and peed independently. Unfortunately, she did not remove her underwear. I still consider this progress because she urinated sitting down on the toilet as she is supposed to and that is really what I want her to get used to. She had one BM. She began to go in her waterproof underwear but must have felt it because she darted to the toilet and did most of it in the potty. She also made me empty her underwear into the toilet so she could say goodbye to it as we flushed. She definitely knows where its supposed to go!

Today we only did it for a couple hours because we went to church and I didn't want to experiment outside the house, obviously. So, from 9-11:30 she stayed completely dry with no accidents in her underwear!

We saved so many diapers just by letting her wear the underwear this weekend! I truly feel she is more aware of holding it and controls when she goes now that she can feel it in her underwear as opposed to her diaper.

Bye bye for now!

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