Thursday, August 4, 2011

Separation Anxiety

I should really report on Jackie’s past few weeks she has developed an extreme and adorable attachment to me. She only wants me (which is a nice change from her only wanting her daddy when she was younger). However, it is getting to be somewhat of a hindrance on my life. Today she was on my leg more often than ever, not letting me go anywhere without her as my shadow. She is teething recently so she has wanted to cuddle with me more, but it is getting to the point I can’t do anything without a whine or a cry. I am staying strong. I can hear the whine and not run to hold her, but it’s difficult because part of me wants to run next to her just to keep her from being upset. But, most of me knows she’ll be okay and be more independent. She’s learning I am coming right back (I went into the next room not off a cliff). Although her little tears and little cry is hard to hear, daddy and aunts and uncles will keep her just as safe, and accepting separation is a good thing. I know with all my heart that this will pass. It is difficult that when I want to independently get things done, I have a year old anchor wanting me to constantly hold her. I have gotten good doing things one handed, but sometimes it’s important to let her know I am not going anywhere for long.

An important thing to note is that although it’s slightly frustrating having a little one holding onto me, most of me is just trying not to smile. I am secretly loving every minute of it! I know that when she’s older I am going to miss her desire for my attention, and I’ll be the one begging for hers.

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