Thursday, August 4, 2011

Toileting Initiation Update

Jackie pooped in the potty on Monday! More than that, she initiated that she was about to go! She stopped playing and running, pointed to her diaper repeatedly, and looked at me as if I was talking to her. I took her to the bathroom and she pooped in the potty within about a minute of sitting down on the potty. It was absolutely amazing! She hasn’t pooped in the potty during trips in so long, so the fact that she actually went was amazing! Not to mention she kind of initiated beforehand, which makes me feel like this toileting stuff I have been doing with her has served a purpose.

She did this whole pointing to her diaper repeatedly and looking at me on Saturday, but by the time I realized she was trying to tell me something and I got her to the bathroom, she had already gone in her diaper! So when she did it again on Monday, I took her immediately there and she pooped in the toilet! She just turned 16 months old!

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